Preserving Greenville’s History Since 1928

The Greenville County Historical Society is the result of two movements, a generation apart, in the Greenville community. In 1928, the Upper Carolina Historical Society was organized to preserve the rich history of the area and the group remained active until the Great Depression.

The other movement emerged in the early 1960s when biographical sketches and a series of articles on Greenville history were being written. In 1961, the Greenville Historical Records Committee collected histories on 126 families and persons influential in the community. Out of this movement, the committee evolved into the organization that exists to this very day. The Greenville County Historical Society met in April 1962, adopted a constitution, elected officers and had its first paper presented, Vardry McBee: The Father of Greenville, by Marion M. Hewell, the Society’s first president.

The Expansion

Since that first meeting, the Society has expanded its role as an organization interested in identifying, collecting, and preserving materials related to the history of Greenville County. The group was a catalyst for the preservation movement of the 1970s, and today is aiming to re-engage the community as a custodian of primary source records and photographs and a supporter of preserving Greenville’s history for generations to come. The organization currently has more than 400 members and is home to countless records, books, maps, photographs, and newspapers dating back to the 19th century.

“The objectives of this organization are to collect and preserve the documents, photographs, and materials which reflect the history of Greenville County; and to advocate for and assist in the preservation of historic structures and sites within the county; and to cultivate interest and support research in our history.” – GCHS Bylaws

Meet Our Board of Directors


John Nolan

Greenville History Tours
Greenville, SC


Terence Brooks

Chief, Greenville Tech Police Dpt
Greenville, SC


John Zimmerman

Hilton Displays
Greenville, SC


Russell Stall

City of Greenville City Council
Greenville, SC


Candace Boatwright

Student, Clemson University
Greenville, SC

Archie Black

Retired Attorney
Greenville, SC

Michelle Simmons

Simpsonville, SC

Sandi Coan

Retired – Greenville Chamber
Greenville, SC

Robert Benedict

Immediate Past-President
Greenville, SC

Frances Knight

Historical Archaeologist
Greenville, SC

Tom Cheves

Greenville, SC