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Your help is needed and matters more now than ever! The Greenville County Historical Society is counting on you and your financial support to continue our mission to protect, preserve, and promote our collections.  As you plan your 2023 year-end giving, please consider contributing to GCHS and our Collections Fund.

Your financial support is needed to preserve all collections we have housed here at 100 Lavinia Drive, but in particular, with the newly acquired Whitmire/Vardry McBee collections, we need to purchase additional archival storage.  We are also in the midst of attempting to locate affordable off-site storage for the Joe Jordan photography collection due to its large size and vast storage needs. It is currently stored off-site from the rest of our collections due to it’s large size and we must find a new location for it in the immediate future that is appropriate and affordable.

Over the last year, hours and hours of work have gone into the sorting and cataloging of the Mildred Edwards Whitmire / Vardry McBee Collections as well as the completion of the scanning of the Joe Jordan Photography Collection.

A more complete description of the Mildred Edwards Whitmire / Vardry McBee Collections can be found here.  The description will give you a more comprehensive look at this rare collection.  Quite possibly the rarest collection of documents that will ever come into the care of the Society.

By donating now, you can help us to continue this work of cataloging, protecting and preserving these documents and photos as well as to continue telling these amazing Greenville stories.

Click here to donate!

Do you prefer to mail in a check? Please postmark by December 31, 2023 to be counted as your gift in 2023. Mail to the address below:

Greenville County Historical Society

Annual Appeal 2023

100 Lavinia Ave.

Greenville SC 29601


Questions? Contact Darlene Parker at or call (864) 233-4103.

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